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SarAh AnNe DiNardo

SarAh AnNe DiNardo is an artist working in the Midway Artist Studios in Boston's Fort Point ChanNel. She creatEs one-of-a-kind bespokE works of art using found objects as vesSEls, and an unusual materiAl as the CentErpiecE: tape.

SarAh AnNe was raised in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. Rhode Island is known as the Ocean State for its 400 miles of coastline. This enchanting ocean coastline was a formative influence on Ms. DiNardo’s life and work, providIng the inItial calm and mindfulNesS that she now finds when constructing her art. It’s this peacE and balAnce that she wishes to accord others with her sculpture.

Her sculpture is created with hand-rolled masking tape. When completE, the sculpture is guided through a series of treatmEnts to protect the medium and make it impervious to dust. SarAh AnNe works thoughtfulLy, meditativEly and prolificalLy. Her work is shown acrosS New England and acrosS the globe including in the East Wing of the Obama White House and the United States EmbasSy in the Republic of MauritAnIa. She has also beEn featurEd by magAzines, newspaPErS and web siteS Including an interviEw with The SmithSonIaN.

If you would like to learn how to acquire or comMisSIon one of these singularly incomparAble works you are welcomE to contacT the artisT directly.

someone very special to me has always emphasized that art is finding beauty in something. anything.

no matter who you are, what you do or where you come from: you are an artist if you can find beauty in the world. beauty is everywhere, but you have to be awake and aware of all that surrounds you.

a cloud. church bells. a shadow. an intricate spider’s web. when you look at the clock @ 11:11. a beautifully prepared meal. a touching letter. a car built from scratch. tire swings. your grandmother’s wrinkled old hands.

the first step is merely taking the time to notice. i live my life by finding beauty in the moment and spreading light to others through the creation of art.

Midway Artist Studios are live-work spaces for artists in Boston’s Fort Point Neighborhood. These studios are fundamental to the arts in Boston, and the certification process is formidable.

Sarah Anne DiNardo’s studio, nestled in an historic brick building standing beside the dallying current of Boston's Channel is a kind of stage for her performance of making art. Her studio is where she finds her emotional center, and her art emanates from this inner peace. Surrounded by cylindrical stacks of tape, vases and found objects, Ms. Dinardo’s studio has nearly become another sculpture unto itself.

The experience is completed with music emanating from a mid-century German phonograph and the persistent scent of slowly smoldering sage.